Ra's Words of Wisdom Nodes Paint the Neighborhood of Your Experience Ok, so look, let's take a look at ... how to look at the Nodes. I think this is something that really needs reinforcing to really understand how to use them. I've tried a number of ways over the years to create a metaphor for this. My most recent metaphor is that this is a neighborhood because it's very physical. It's like the background in a scene in a film and the background tells you everything, actually. The background frames what to expect. There are certain backgrounds that you immediately think, aha, something is going to happen here that's not good. There are other backgrounds that tell you right away that this is interesting; this looks very kind of intellectual, nouveau riche, “this or that,” blah, blah, blah. In other words, when you're looking at the Nodes, they are painting the environment in the background of your experience. It is that set, it's a set. It's even...
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