In the 2/5 the second line theme of personality remains. We have seen the significance for this personality in being called. It is important to remember that being called is unavoidable and that the calls themselves may prove more irritating than enlightening. Such a personality tends to mind its own business and expects that in others. The hermit tendencies, however, are undermined by the unconscious and its social orientation. This can lead the personality to abdicate to the majority, accept a new foundation and hope that once that is done that it will be left alone. Since the projected attitude of the second line personality is the democrat, we can see in this profile, what Americans refer to as the silent majority. Powerful forces of conformity and the status quo. To be endowed with this profile is to have the opportunity in the life to have deep impact on others. To be a force to be reckoned with in the lives of others. This is not the aloneness that underlines the fo...
Sono un Analista Certificato Human Design System. E' l'unico sistema che abbia trovato e sperimentato che sappia spiegare nei dettagli la meccanica umana che permette di vivere correttamente secondo ciò che siamo, accettare noi stessi, amarci incondizionatamente ed accettare gli altri intorno a noi. Nella colonna di destra troverete l'elenco dei post. Consiglio di iscriversi alla news letter per ricevere comodamente gli aggiornamenti via e-mail.