Ra Uru Hu: "A Reflector isn’t here to follow others. They’re here to follow their soul. I know that sounds rather wishy-washy, or ‘new agey’, or bunny language. But, in a sense, that’s what it’s really about. The great disappointment for Reflectors is when they put their faith in the other. This is the great disappointment that awaits all Reflectors because sooner or later that is something that’s going to hurt them. They are here to embrace what is a larger force in their life. It’s ju st what they’re here for. And of course, the moment that they are on that mundane plane that’s when the disappointment arises. The moment that the conditioning of the people around them is stronger than the conditioning of the program that’s the moment that truly the Reflector becomes lost. They’re not here to reflect you and me. They only sample it. And what they’re really sampling is to see how much of the program you’ve taken in; because, after all, it’s not good for you. What’s good for t...
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