INNER AND OUTER AUTHORITY Ra’s Words of Wisdom But anyway, Authority is something that first of all needs to be seen in perspective. That is, when we’re talking about Authority we’re talking about what we call Inner Authority. In Human Design we talk about two different kinds of authorities. That is, Outer Authority and Inner Authority. Outer Authority is the rightful domain of the mind. In other words, for the mind, the ability of the mind to be able to process data and at the same time to be able to share that, to be able to empower, to be able to support, whatever language you want to use, to be able to offer mind as Outer Authority in the same way as I do for you, as an example. But Outer Authority is not about anything having to do with the inner process or the inner decision making process. It is simply Outer Authority. It is simply the by-product of the potential of self reflected consciousness. Inner Authority is something else. Inner Authority is the Authority to m...
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