"Reflectors make up less than 1 % of the human population. Yet they are here to play a vital role. Their design is unique in that none of their 9 centers are defined. If you look at their chart, they are but a ghost of a design with all their whiteness. The truth is that they are our mirror, designed to be extremely empathetic and understand humanity in a deep way , and give the rest of us a reflection of where we are at, and how we are doing in life. Since reflectors have an open design they are heavily influenced by the energy around them . The people, the places and the events they take part in, are going to deeply impact their energy and sense of being. With any open center, the energy from around can be amplified and experienced in unlimited ways. The reflector can become wise about energy because they experience all the flavors of the rainbow. With emotions they can experience the extremes ...
Sono un Analista Certificato Human Design System. E' l'unico sistema che abbia trovato e sperimentato che sappia spiegare nei dettagli la meccanica umana che permette di vivere correttamente secondo ciò che siamo, accettare noi stessi, amarci incondizionatamente ed accettare gli altri intorno a noi. Nella colonna di destra troverete l'elenco dei post. Consiglio di iscriversi alla news letter per ricevere comodamente gli aggiornamenti via e-mail.