No -direct- Inner Authority “if such a thing is true, the mechanical absolutes of the Maya do not hold up” Over the years there were a few discussions (on FaceBook) about Inner Authority and particularly for Mental Projectors and Reflectors not having any at all. For many new Reflectors that started looking into the studies and materials this came up as odd or incomprehensible. Knowing without being able to formulate well, that something inside does make decisions. In other groups or places some of the exchanges about this topic became quite heated and lots of stuff was thrown in the mix, including some very off-topic personal issues by several supposedly professional people into Human Design. One part of the argument was, that Ra never said such a thing, and that those people, or Types simply had -no- Inner Authority, and several people believing this to be true supported this. And then it turned into not having any ‘consistent’ inner authority, which is ludicrous ...
Sono un Analista Certificato Human Design System. E' l'unico sistema che abbia trovato e sperimentato che sappia spiegare nei dettagli la meccanica umana che permette di vivere correttamente secondo ciò che siamo, accettare noi stessi, amarci incondizionatamente ed accettare gli altri intorno a noi. Nella colonna di destra troverete l'elenco dei post. Consiglio di iscriversi alla news letter per ricevere comodamente gli aggiornamenti via e-mail.