PROJECTORS: WE ARE HERE TO GUIDE ✨ 'There is nothing more dangerous for Projectors than being exhausted. You're not here to work. You're not. You’re here to think. You’re here to see. You are here to express an outer authority that provides guidance. You're here to organize energy. You are here to guide energy. And you're here to get rewarded for that. You're not here to be the worker. You're not. You all should be raised in the moment you come into the world to be Guides. From the moment that you come into the world, to be trained to take supervisory management positions. I mean there is nothing like the horror of a projection of Projector on the floor of the factory. I mean, wow, maybe 25 years of horror later, they might get to middle-management and suddenly have a certain kind of relief that they finally made their way out of that morass. I see Projectors with their businesses and their stuff. They drive themselves mad. Because they are flying aroun...
Sono un Analista Certificato Human Design System. E' l'unico sistema che abbia trovato e sperimentato che sappia spiegare nei dettagli la meccanica umana che permette di vivere correttamente secondo ciò che siamo, accettare noi stessi, amarci incondizionatamente ed accettare gli altri intorno a noi. Nella colonna di destra troverete l'elenco dei post. Consiglio di iscriversi alla news letter per ricevere comodamente gli aggiornamenti via e-mail.