By Ra Uru Hu: Our Ajna-related sense is the eyes. The mind is visual - hence lies the trap. Ah, the illusion of light . How everybody loves the light. The mind is built on light - it is the whole thing about the mind. It's built on light because the mind is here to establish the visual Maya. The visual Maya cannot exist in darkness. So we are afraid of the dark . We are afraid of the dark because in the dark the world disappears - the universe disappears. And we're left with nothing but the beating of our heart and our own breath. Human beings are afraid of the dark and all of its manifestations because we are mental creatures. This is the place where we are rightfully in our evolution. We have succeeded at the splenic level. We are better survivors than any other creature. We are the top of the food chain. As such, our splenic business is long done. But we are not finished our mental business, and until we're finished our mental business there's...
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