Ra’s Words of Wisdom
Ra’s Words of Wisdom
But anyway, Authority is something that first of all needs to be seen in perspective. That is, when we’re talking about Authority we’re talking about what we call Inner Authority. In Human Design we talk about two different kinds of authorities. That is, Outer Authority and Inner Authority. Outer Authority is the rightful domain of the mind. In other words, for the mind, the ability of the mind to be able to process data and at the same time to be able to share that, to be able to empower, to be able to support, whatever language you want to use, to be able to offer mind as Outer Authority in the same way as I do for you, as an example.
But Outer Authority is not about anything having to do with the inner process or the inner decision making process. It is simply Outer Authority. It is simply the by-product of the potential of self reflected consciousness. Inner Authority is something else. Inner Authority is the Authority to make decisions for the life. This is an Inner Authority. When we think about mind and Inner Authority, and we think about the being, if we look up here and we look at the openness that is there, just think about this as mind for a moment. Here in the Head Center we have the Personality Crystal and here in the Ajna we have the Design Crystal. Basically what we have are the two components within us that are receiving neutrino information. We are a binary crystal consciousness.
Now, the Design Crystal consciousness is about the vehicle in the form principle we know. And the Personality Crystal consciousness is what ends up being what we call mind. And of course, one of the dilemmas we have is that we are so used to seeing things in mono terms. We see ourselves through the power of the mind to distort our perception and the possibility that we may be, in fact, a dual consciousness. You don’t exactly get that feeling. It seems like we have this mind and it’s the mind that is in charge. Of course, one of the great steps you take in this process of understanding that this is a dualist construct is to see that inner Authority is when the Design Crystal consciousness is in charge. Outer Authority is for the Personality Crystal consciousness.
When we finally align our consciousness themes correctly in the sense that we do that through the Strategy, then ultimately what we get is the benefits, the byproduct of finally being able to at least physically operate correctly in this life. It is the Design that is here to be in charge of the vehicle. And of course, the way in which we get to allowing the Design to be able to take its responsibility and run the vehicle, the way we do that is through Strategy because Strategy based on Definition reveals what, in fact, is the mechanism we can use as an Inner Authority to guide us in our lives.
Of course, there are many variations of that. It’s not just simply a matter of Type. That is, Type in and of itself doesn’t necessarily give you an Authority unless you’re looking at Reflectors, and as you’ll see we’ll take a journey through variations. It’s so important to realize what that means for us to be able to transfer Inner Authority to the proper aspect of our consciousness, how it frees our mind from the delusion of being in charge of our lives. And yet, the very expression of this consciousness isn’t just simple. It isn’t just, with due exceptions, a matter of the Strategy and the Type. It is a matter, again, through the Definition of seeing where the true Authority is; what is the mechanism that is going to express the decision making of the Design consciousness.
~ Ra Uru Hu
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