QUADRUPLE SPLIT DEFINITION. https://www.authenticsynthesis.com/ October 10, 2018 Quadruple Splits are extremely rare. Quadruple Split means that there are four separate areas of definition within the chart. To be a Quadruple Split means that eight or nine of the nine centers are defined within the chart, so there is very little conditioning that occurs through open centers. Because of this, Quadruple Splits receive a lot of conditioning through the channels or gates that others bring them to bridge their defined centers together. Because there are four separate areas of definition, Quadruple Splits have multiple ways that they can be bridged by others, and they can appear very different to different people, depending on how they are being bridged. With multiple ways that they can be bridged, Quadruple Splits need variety, but in a different way than Triple Splits. Unlike Triple Splits, Quadruple Splits like the feeling that being bridged brings them, ...
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