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profilo 1-3 in italiano ed inglese

Le persone con un profilo di 1-3 nel loro disegno hanno un fuoco interiore. Sei guidato per indagare e guardare i risultati delle loro esperienze in maniera intima. Spesso possono mettere inconsciamente la domanda: "Come mi ha interessato?" La prima linea del profilo, la 1, è motivata a scoprire i dettagli che circondano ogni eventuale interazione. 

I dettagli forniscono una base e una stabilità che risiede nella personalità di 1a linea. Un esempio potrebbe essere andare in vacanza. La prima linea spesso vuole sapere: dove stanno; quali attività riguardano l'area locale? Come stanno andando da e per l'aeroporto, ed altro ancora. La risposta a queste domande può portare a ulteriori domande fino a quando non si raggiunge tale fondamento. Non tutte le prime righe sono create uguali. Alcuni, avranno la necessità di dettagli amplificati dagli altri aspetti del loro disegno e soprattutto imparare a convivere con le domande. 

La vita è la ricerca stessa, anche senza arrivare a trovare risposte.Insicurezza finchè non hanno indagato a fondo, poi sono stra-sicuri e autoritari nella loro sicurezza.

La 3a linea del profilo (l’incoscio) è guidata per imparare attraverso l'esperienza o la sperimentazione. Di nuovo i risultati sono analizzati in "Qual è l'effetto che ha fatto su di me?". È attraverso l'esperienza delle cose che funzionano bene e cose che non funzionano così bene che la terza linea diventa saggia per il modo migliore per fare le cose. 

Una volta che la saggezza si verifica, la terza linea cercherà di ripetere i risultati positivi e minimizzare o eliminare le esperienze negative o improduttive. Mettere insieme gli aspetti del profilo 1-3 fa sì che diventi proprio un esperto su come fare le cose e, soprattutto, come NON FARLE! Potresti sentire un 1-3 dire "Oh, non farlo, l'ho provato ed è stato un disastro. "Dovremmo essere grati per i lavori che gli 1-3 hanno fatto per rendere la nostra vita migliore".

"People with a 1-3 profile in their design have an inward focus. The are driven to investigate and look at the results of their experiences in an inward fashion. Often they may subconsciously ask the question, “How did that affect me?”
The 1st line of the profile, The 1 is motivated to find out the details surrounding any potential interaction. The details provide a foundation and stability that the 1st line personality resides on.  An example might be  going on vacation. The 1st line will often want to know: Where they are staying;  What activities are around the local area; How they are going to get to and from the airport and more. The answer to these questions may lead to more questions until that foundation is achieved. Not all 1st lines are created equal. 
The 3rd line of the profile is driven to learn through experience or experimentation. Again the results of which are analyzed in “What affect did that have on me?”. It is through the experience of things that work well and things that don’t work so well that the 3rd line becomes wise about the best way to do things. Once the wisdom occurs the 3rd line will look to repeat the positive results and minimize or eliminate the negative or unproductive experiences.
Put together the aspects of the 1-3 profile provide us with experts on how to do things and more importantly how not too! You might hear a 1-3 say “Oh don’t do that, I tried that and it was  a disaster. Do it this way instead.” We should all be grateful for the work the 1-3’s have done to make our life better."

This is the foundation profile. The 1/3 profile is both consciously and unconsciously part of the lower trigram. This is a deep inward destiny focused on the self. The personality will try not to draw too much attention to itself until it is certain of its capacities. It is looking inward to master, so that it can claim and become an authority. This is a first line personality and is uncomfortable with gray areas. It is seeking the foundation. It is open to hear out the other, to be taught or guided, but only when it is clear that following the other will lead to mastery and control. In the Lower Trigram the first three lines are not necessarily ready or open to the other. This is evident in this profile's security strategy. To be covetous of authority; To want to be an authority; Willing to be dependent to get to that point where it can be in control and become a self-provider; To become a partner. Keep in mind that the profile establishes purpose. For the 1/3 profile, weakness and strength is everything. It is important to understand that in genetic terms. The weak must be bonded to the strong. In this way only can the species survive and remain healthy. The 1/3 recognizes weakness in itself and others and also strength. This is a personality that is healthy when it is prepared. The theme of a first line personality is not to be overwhelmed by the outside and the other, but to seek deeply the foundation of things to provide its own strength, its inner strength. It needs to develop inner strength. The emotional system of a 1/3 resonates to weakness and strength. The personality is emotionally weak and insecure when it is not prepared. When it hasn't done its introspective homework. Strength is derived from introspection and preparation. We humans muse. It separates us from the cat and the flower. It is the nature of the first line personality to muse, to seek out the basis of things, to find strength in grasping the basis of things. This musing is not idle, but seeks in lonely wonder in order to survive. The totality is not simply the whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, but a continuum. It is a grand cycle that is greater than the living whole and that the great mysteries would not be so named if it was easy to unravel them. The 1/3 profile has no guarantee that the foundation will be grasped or that strength and survival will be the direct reward. Beneath the one personality lies a third line unconscious ready to leap the moment the personality is frustrated in its process. The third line is the line of trial and error. It is the line of bonds made and broken. Though the personality may be seeking out the deep foundation of things, when that foundation cannot be established, that's when the unconscious begins its process of seeking out through trial and error something else. It begins to look elsewhere and to experiment and discover. When the one personality cannot grasp the foundation, the third line unconscious will automatically challenge the validity of the foundation and if necessary stand as a martyr in challenge to that authority. It is a theme of anarchy. The third line carries this theme. True anarchy is the recognition that the foundation is faulty and must be destroyed, even though there is no obvious replacement for that foundation. Here the unconscious can claim authority, opposing authority. Regardless of whether it is justified or not. The third line theme of trial and error is an evolutionary movement. It is an evolutionary impetus. Some challenges to authority will lead to martyrs who will enrich the lives of the totality. In seeking out the foundation through the third line unconscious of trial and error, the myriad paths that lead to truth get explored. The 1/3 with its personal focus encounters difficulties in intimate relationships. It experiences relationships in terms of weakness and strength. Needing to be in control, it seeks out a compliant partner. With its focus on authority, being the boss, it is ready to tear down the relationship and break the bond the moment it feels it has lost control. Somewhat like the age old stereotype of the marriage bond, where the husband pretends he's strong and the wife pretends she's weak. We all stand, so to speak, on the shoulders of the 1/3's. No matter what anyone else experiences or teaches, if they cannot experience it themselves, they can never gain strength from it. It is often said that true knowledge is of value only when it can be substantiated by personal experiment. Then once grasped, can be explained to others. The nature of Human Design, the nature of being yourself, is about the experiment. The purpose of the 1/3 is clearly to establish whether or not the foundation is valid. If it cannot find authority, its unconscious will demand trial and error to find a foundation, to find a truth that really works. It is a key in understanding our own evolution, and at the very basis of profile. There is no possibility of stagnation. That at the very beginning the foundation by its very nature cannot be complete and that the third line, unconscious, will always be ready to challenge any foundation that doesn't work.


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