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3/5 Profile

"Whenever you meet a mother that’s a 3/5, she suffers deeply. This is the whole business of being a martyr heretic. Understand what that means if you’re a 3/5. You’re a 3/5 and you go on your first date. Your partner thinks they’re going to be able to have a great time with you. They have these expectations based on that unconscious 5 that you’re really going to be the bees’ knees.
Whatever they expect—that you’re going to heal them sexually, you’re going to heal them psychically, you’re going to be the greatest partner ever, you’re going to be wonderful—that lasts usually about 18 seconds. Just as you’re going up to meet them they jam their heel into your ankle. “Oops, sorry, these things happen to me,” whack. Get into the car in the parking lot; back up into the garbage can. The other person is already: “I’m out of here. I don’t want to have anything to do with this.”
3/5’s Have a Hard Time
3/5’s have a really hard time. Everybody expects them to be perfect. When they come out of the womb, their mother’s go, ah, finally I’m going to have this wonderful child. And then the child just pukes all over her and that’s it. Immediately their reputation is destroyed. If anything is going to go wrong, it will. And they’re always bumping into things. And they bump into somebody and the other person thinks, “ooooh!” and it lasts 18 seconds and it’s over.
Not only that if you’re a 5 and you have it at the unconscious level, you don’t understand why people say horrible things behind your back. If you’re a 5, if you’re a heretic, you have to recognize everything about you is a projection field. And if you can’t deliver, if you can’t be the greatest child, if you can’t be the greatest lover, if you can’t be the greatest whatever it is, if you cannot deliver what suffers is your reputation because those people will really go out and say, “Don’t have anything to do with that person!”
3rd Line Personality
Not only that, but the 3/5 has to deal with their personality which is a 3rd line personality. They’re going to discover everything that doesn’t work. Anarchy; this is the great line of anarchy, the 3rd line. And it’s not about political anarchy. It’s about understanding what a 3rd line is all about. When a 3rd line explores anything, when it bangs into anything, what it looking for is “Does it work?” because that’s its dream. What it finds out is that it does not. And it’s only in finding out that it does not that we can actually advance.
We have this curious thing about the way in which we see improvement or development. The assumption is that what you need is somebody that’s going to tell you what works. So when you look at all the advertising, 90% of the advertising is what works. But very little advertising is about what doesn’t work. You don’t have people standing up and saying, “Don’t go and see that guru because he’s full of shit.” You don’t.
I know so many 3rd line beings that sat at the feet of the most ridiculous turkeys and never came back and said they’re useless. They came back and said “Why am I not enlightened, what’s wrong with me? I’m the failure. It didn’t work because of them, it didn’t work because of me, it’s me, there’s something wrong with me.” If you have a divorce and you’ve got a child with a 3rd line they’re going to blame themselves. It was because of me that it was a failure.
So it’s something to recognize when you’re dealing with children that have a 3rd line theme, adults that have a 3rd line theme, the most important thing for them to understand is that “making mistakes” quote, unquote, is their way. And they’re not mistakes; they’re a process of discovery.
Both of my sons are 1/3’s—Murphy’s Law: if there’s anything thing is going to go wrong, it will. They’re 1/3’s. And when they blow something I’m not there ranting and raving and saying, “you screwed up again, why can’t you get it straight, what’s the matter with you? It’s such a simple thing to do.” Naw, I just say, “What happened?”
Loki knows how to operate things in a way that I—I taught him to use a computer when he was about 6, he now shows me things. The way he does that is he blindly tries anything and doesn’t mind that he fails. Ah, such an attribute these 3’s have. There is nothing like a 3/5.
My favorite image of a 3/5 is these blow-up bozo clown things, you punch them and they go down and they flip immediately up—this is the 3/5. Going up and down—that’s their whole life. And you can’t keep them down.
I think Sinatra sang a song about that—you can’t keep these people down. You whack them, they come back up. There’s a part of them that says, “There must be something that works. Something, somewhere that works.” The 3/5 has a tremendous projection field on them; it’s very difficult. The expectation based on the unconscious is they are going to be able to deliver the goods.
The 5th Line
When you look at a hexagram, it’s always essential to remember, the 1st line tells you the basis of a hexagram, its foundation. But the 5th line gives you the promise of a hexagram, what everybody else wants from it as an evolutionary process.
In other words, if you look at 5th lines, they’re all exalted. They’re saints, and they’re saviors, generals, therapist—all of these people that we turn to in moments of need. They’re the ones that get the projection field.
Now, it can be a great advantage when somebody comes into my aura, they expect me to initiate them. If I do my reputation grows, it’s as simple as that. I don’t have to convince them that I can initiate them. They come with the assumption that I will. If I don’t, I’m a charlatan. If I don’t, I’m in big trouble. As long as I fulfill their expectation, everything’s ok.
A baby can’t do that. It immediately has the expectation that it’s going to be a wonderful child and it’s not, it makes mistakes. This child is going to talk right away, walk right away, and be this right away, and all the other things. It is really difficult.
Ibiza: Black Sheep Island
The island that I live on, Ibiza, is affectionately known as Black Sheep Island. It’s full of people that simply lost their reputations in their home countries; freaks, subculture people. So they all gather together because after all it’s all about Pentas. They all gather together to be non-conformist conformists. They all conform to being non-conformists.
I did a survey a number of years ago when we were beginning to look at statistical analysis. Of my tribe there on the island, an incredible number of them were 3/5s; three times higher than what would be predicted statistically. You had all of these people running away. They had made mistakes, their reputation had collapsed and they left.
These are people that leave home. These are people that want to get away from their parents and the bad reputation they’ve gained with their parents, because their parents don’t think well of them.
They always expect the worst; always. You call them up and they’ll say to you, "Do you still have your job? Are you still living in the same town? Have you changed your partner?" They’re always certain that something is going to go wrong because they’ve had that expectation collapse in their view of that individual.
So here’s somebody who is a 3/5. So here is a martyr heretic; a mother that’s a martyr heretic? You can see her with two bags of laundry whining all the way...."
When 3rd Line Beings Tell you what Doesn’t Work It’s Magical
Obviously, when you’re doing her reading or you’re doing her overview it’s essential for her to understand what it means to be a 3rd line being. There’s nothing more magical than somebody who can tell you what doesn’t work because it’s the most efficient thing we have. It’s so efficient to be told what doesn’t work so you don’t waste your damn energy. People with 3rd lines figure out how to makes things more efficient because they do find out what doesn’t work.
Ra’s Story
It’s my favorite story. I have a friend of mine in Ibiza who is a 3/5. He’s in his 70s, a one-time scientist. He’s a very strange guy. He gets gifts sent to him every once in a while from the States. He loves gizmos, any kind of gizmo.
And I’m sitting with him one day at the café and his brother had sent him some kind of barometer, something or other, one of these digital barometers, I don’t know. But anyway, it’s a brand new thing. He takes this out and looks at it with a little smile on his face. He goes into his belt and he takes out his Swiss Army knife and he opens up his screwdriver. And he starts taking this thing apart.
I said David, “What the hell are you doing, it’s brand new?” He said “Ah, I want to see how it works.” I said “Can you get it back together again?” He said “If I can’t I’ll just put it in the garage.” You should see his garage. He’s a classic 3/5. That garage is full of all kinds of brand new things that have been taken apart and never put back together again.
He always commented that if he could put it back together again it was worthy of keeping. But if you ever needed a spare part for a gizmo, you knew precisely where to go. That’s a classic 3/5. He knows things break. His trip is just to break them before they break naturally; break them right away. Get into it, see the failure, and see what’s going on.
The 3rd Line and Children
So, being a 3rd line being, it’s about children. It’s very hard to convenience an adult who’s a 3rd line being who’s 40 years old—she isn’t; she’s younger than that—but anyway, somebody who’s already been living in this life, that all of the mistakes they’ve made have been really worthy and useful. And that they can actually get to a point where they can make much better mistakes than they made in the past. That’s the key; to see that going through the trial and error process is so important.
The 3rd Line and Money
The other thing is if you have a 3rd line in your profile you’re here to make money. Money is very important to you. It just is. That’s the nature of the 3rd line. The 3rd line is mutative. The 3rd line is material. It’s the only material line. It’s the only one. It’s the only line that’s about money.
So the fact is for her the material resources of the family are going to be very important because they’re going to point to whether she’s a failure or not, because the material is so important. It can be very, very difficult for 3rd line beings. They have to understand at a very early age that making mistakes is their path to success because that’s how they discover. It’s the Pasteur phenomena. You’re looking for one thing and you get the other. And the other is enormously valuable.
The 3rd Line Process: To Discover, not Fail
This is the way of the 3rd line process. You go through things to discover; not to fail. Not to make a mistake. You’re just discovering. Anarchy, 3rd line anarchist, anarchy is that when you discover something that doesn’t work, destroy it. And this is the thing that 3rd line beings don’t do. And this is what they learn to do if they become themselves.
When you see something that doesn’t work, you don’t just go buy it and say oh, there’s another one that doesn’t work. You make sure you catalogue that doesn’t work. And you make sure you tell anybody that it applies to that it doesn’t work, because that’s the point. If you’re a 3rd line being, you’re going to make more money advising people on what not to do than on what to do. And telling people what not to do is enormously valuable.
Two 3rd line beings are wandering on the savanna 10,000 years ago and they come across a plane of mushrooms. One of them grabs the mushroom, pops it into his mouth, eats it and drops dead. Now, that’s a failure.
The other 3rd line goes back to the tribe and says hey, don’t eat these. They kill you. That’s the value of a 3rd line being. That’s what they’re here for. They’re here to say look, don’t do that. It doesn’t work. Save yourself the energy.
It’s like when you’re a kid in high school and you go to the guidance counselor. Don’t go there, that won’t work for you. You’re too stupid; go here. But the reality is that everything about the 3rd being is coming to grips with that this is the experiential way, this is the way of discovery.
Reward Children for their Mistakes
So, the children, particularly when you’re dealing with 3rd line children, you have to teach these parents what positive reinforcement means, that these are not children that are to be punished for their mistakes. They are to be rewarded for their mistakes. That is, rewarded with your interest. Why didn’t that work? How come? What was wrong? That’s what they’re good at.
And if you actually ask them to analyze what didn’t work, you’re giving them the best training they will ever have in their life, because you’re training what is their gift, their inherent gift.
So when somebody comes with a 3/5 you know this is very difficult. It’s right angle, they’re self-absorbed. Their personality is always dealing with mistakes, always dealing with a sense of failure. And at the unconscious level everybody is projecting on them that they can be wonderful, that they can have the answer, that they can be the truth for them, that they can be the person that they need."

Ra Uru Hu


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